COVID-19 can lead to fever, cough and shortness of breath. There are thousands of confirmed cases in a growing number of countries internationally and the virus is now spreading in the United States. There are ongoing investigations to learn more about this virus.
OPWDD has released Guidelines for Implementation of Quarantine and/or Isolation Measures at State-Owned and Voluntary Providers in Congregate Settings which can be found at the below link:
All guidance released to date is available on these pages/links:
OPWDD has released the below interim guidance related to General Management of COVID-19, Staffing Guidance, Respiratory Illness, and Article 16 Clinic Management:
APPENDIX K: Emergency Preparedness and Response
Respiratory Illness in Residential Settings – Presumption of COVID-19
Article 16 Clinic Management of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
COVID-19 Operational Support and Logistics from WHO
Best Practices on How to Triage Infectious Diseases, 3-16-2020
3.18.2020 Direct Support Professionals Defined as Essential Employees
Protocols for Essential Personnel to Return to Work Following COVID-19 Exposure or Infection
Health Advisory: COVID-19 Release From Home Isolation
CMS Approves NYS K Waiver (Retainer Days) Signed Letter
COVID-19 Disability Form New York fillable
COVID-19 Updated Guidance for Hospital Operators Regarding Visitation
Emergency Funding Day Service Retainer Program Memorandum
Life Plan-Staff Action Plan Addendum
Day Service Retainer Program FAQ
Residential Day Service Program Billing Guidance
Relief for Supervised IRA Agencies FAQ
Master Retainer Day and Group CHR FAQ 6-19-20
Weekly DDAWNY Nursing Committee Coronavirus Conference Call
The meeting will be held on WEEKLY ON Mondays through May 23rd (or until further notice) from 9-10AM. If you would like to participate on this call please contact [email protected] to rsvp and for call-in information.
DDAWNY offering Best Practices on How to Triage
Infectious Diseases on as a webinar